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Reuse News :

This is Reuse.

Our goal at Reuse Alliance is to advance a societal transition to a truly circular economy. We advocate for the development of reuse infrastructure, provide support to reuse enterprises, and forge collaborations between the reuse industry and other stakeholders. To reduce climate change, we must break the cycle of overconsumption by moving reuse from a cottage industry to the mainstream materials management strategy.


  • Reuse Infrastructure

  • Education

  • Resilience - local jobs, local economy


  • Reuse Council

  • Workgroups

  • Reuse Summits & Roundtables


  • Reuse Infrastructure

  • Reuse Campaigns

  • Data Projects

Vision ∞ - 2024

For the first time in many years, we believe our vision of a regenerative circular system is on the horizon. Our goal this year is to prepare for a breakthrough in 2024 that will reset how our society thinks about, manufactures, transports and consumes products and packaging.