Formerly Overlooked, Now Formr
Phoebe Schenker Phoebe Schenker

Formerly Overlooked, Now Formr

However, I wanted to do more than just reduce waste. I considered the struggles of formerly incarcerated individuals, many of whom face barriers to employment and struggle with recidivism. I saw an opportunity to provide meaningful work for this underserved population while addressing the environmental challenge.

I merged these two causes into a socially responsible business model and named it Formr. The name represents several concepts: “formerly incarcerated,” “formerly waste,” and “form,” symbolizing design.

Formr’s mission is to create thoughtfully designed furniture using repurposed construction waste, providing a second chance to those who need it most.

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Operation Bicycle
Phoebe Schenker Phoebe Schenker

Operation Bicycle

Adrian Palender spotted Lucas Stevenson’s talent right away.  Lucas was in high school at the time and showed up at Operation Bicycle to work off a citation for not wearing a bicycle helmet:  community service repairing bicycles.  Lucas is currently in community college, but he still comes back to repair bikes a few days a week.  Now a skilled mechanic, he also fixes cars.  This is one of many success stories Adrian has collected since starting Operation Bicycle.

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Back to the Future :
Phoebe Schenker Phoebe Schenker

Back to the Future :

One of my earliest kitchen memories, from my thirty-six years as the cook at the San Francisco School (SFS), is of a student’s grandmother bringing me in a bucket to fill with kitchen scraps to feed her chickens.  

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Choose your own Reuse Adventure
Phoebe Schenker Phoebe Schenker

Choose your own Reuse Adventure

You wake up in the morning, groggy.  Were you really dreaming about a world without waste?  Such a nice dream.  It’s cozy in the bed and you don’t want to get up, but life calls.  To stay in bed, keep reading. To get up, skip to paragraph 3.

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2024 Reuse Gift Guide
Phoebe Schenker Phoebe Schenker

2024 Reuse Gift Guide

As the biggest shopping day of the year approaches once again, here is a shopping guide fully in line with our mission of promoting reuse (and featuring some of our favorite reuse enterprises). 

From the Foodie to the Techie to the Clotheshorse we’ve reuse ideas for everyone in your life.

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Strange Exchange
Phoebe Schenker Phoebe Schenker

Strange Exchange

When Lela Means and Christina Gilyutin thought up Strange Exchange, it was about the stuff. But it didn’t take long to realize they were tapping into something bigger than merely stuff.

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No Worries, I’ll Teach You
Phoebe Schenker Phoebe Schenker

No Worries, I’ll Teach You

Samantha Nunez had never seen the inside of a computer before Sam Berg, Computer Science Coordinator for the Oakland Unified School District, hired her to oversee student interns in the OUSD tech repair program three years ago.

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Design for Reuse
Phoebe Schenker Phoebe Schenker

Design for Reuse

I stand at the kitchen trash can overthinking what to do with my garbage, while my husband endearingly performs his rendition of Jerry Seinfeld's comedy routine - "all things on earth only exist in different stages of becoming garbage." I need to hear this to snap out of my guilt trance and literally let it go - whatever I'm holding - into the bin.

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This is Reuse
Phoebe Schenker Phoebe Schenker

This is Reuse

Humans are storytellers. Passing information around is how we stay connected. But what makes a story go viral? Sometimes it has social capital (being in the know about something cool makes you seem cool) or practical value (news you can use!). The 2024 Reuse Awareness Campaign checks both these boxes.

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Gearing Up : New Stories for Old Outdoor Gear
Phoebe Schenker Phoebe Schenker

Gearing Up : New Stories for Old Outdoor Gear

In 1972, an anxious bunch of outdoorspeople arrived at a Southern California parking lot at 6 a.m. hoping to spend the day buying and selling used outdoor gear. They shared coffee in the early morning hours as they waited. The Mother’s Day swap meets organized by outdoor retailer Adventure16 quickly became annual affairs.

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an Egg-cellent Solution
Phoebe Schenker Phoebe Schenker

an Egg-cellent Solution

It all started with an underfunded art program in a Georgia public school… My art teacher probably had 100 students that she saw every day and it would’ve been impossible for her to purchase 100 paint palettes every time we wanted to paint, so we used styrofoam egg cartons…

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A Story for #Mendmarch
Phoebe Schenker Phoebe Schenker

A Story for #Mendmarch

My first payment for a mending job was a loaf of home-made sourdough bread. It was February 2021 when sourdough was at its peak, and still many months before I started my mending business…

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Fighting Waste, One Story at a Time
Phoebe Schenker Phoebe Schenker

Fighting Waste, One Story at a Time

Here’s how my story was born: A few months ago, I posted a busted coffee grinder for free on Craigslist. A woman named Cindy picked it up and said she'd fix it and give it back to me if I'd like. I was dubious. I'd already tried to fix it, and so had my engineer husband. We'd failed.

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Reuse by the Numbers
Phoebe Schenker Phoebe Schenker

Reuse by the Numbers

January is the month for taking stock of where we are and where we want to go in the new year (and we hosted a Reuse Roundtable on research last week…)  So we thought we would start off 2024 by sharing some reports documenting progress in the reuse marketplace in the past year. 

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Raise a Hand for Reuse
Phoebe Schenker Phoebe Schenker

Raise a Hand for Reuse

It will take many hands to shift our world towards reuse, to create a place that values our resources and uses them wisely and over and over until they wear out completely. You can’t get a lot for $5 these days, but you can make a monthly contribution to Reuse Alliance and make a big difference.

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Putting Some Gray in Black Friday.
Phoebe Schenker Phoebe Schenker

Putting Some Gray in Black Friday.

Have you ever bitten your tongue at the Thanksgiving dinner table as the conversation turned to holiday shopping? One solution is to avoid “difficult” subjects over the holidays. But a good conversation is an alternative to no conversation…

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Filling more than bottles.
Phoebe Schenker Phoebe Schenker

Filling more than bottles.

“The lightbulb moments are the ones we truly cherish. Watching a first-time customer slowly walk through our store, in awe of all of the low-waste products and refill opportunities, I can see her thinking about what containers she has at home to bring in and reuse.”

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The scariest part of Halloween
Phoebe Schenker Phoebe Schenker

The scariest part of Halloween

How scary? Imagine this: an estimated 7 million Halloween costumes are thrown away annually in the UK (according to this survey), where Halloween spending is around $850 million. In the US, estimated spending on Halloween is set to hit a record $10.1 billion, so it’s likely that 12 times as many costumes will be thrown out this November in the US! Can you visualize 84 million Halloween costumes going to landfills? And 83% of them are polyester (plastic)! Yikes!

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