Our mission is to prevent resources from becoming waste by advocating for and supporting reuse practices that recirculate materials in our communities.
We envision a society that values reduction of consumption and that runs on a reuse focused economy. Products should be designed and manufactured in a thoughtful and responsible manner to ensure they are durable and have a long, reusable lifetime. We envision replacing raw material consumption with reuse, repair, refurbishment, remanufacturing, reupholstery, and upcycling, with recycling and composting as the final disposition in a regenerative circular system.
People + Partners
Celia Furber
Dawna Mirante
Emily Robinson
Heath Massey
Jeremy Hogan
Joanne Wang
Liz Bortolotto
Nicole Tai
Phoebe Schenker
Sloane Pagal
Steffen Kuehr
Reuse Alliance was born in New York City in 2001 out of a need to network and support each other as Reuse Practitioners engaged daily in the dance to find markets and users for material that our society discards. As an organization, we have evolved from a local network in New York City, to a national non-profit in 2005 organizing conferences and local chapters around the county. We were ahead of our time. 2023 brings new hope for reuse with interest in reuse at an all time high.
Since 2005, we have been increasing the visibility of reuse. Throughout our 19 year history we have promoted reuse and its social, environmental, and economic benefits through advocacy, our biannual conference, State and regional summits and Reuse Roundtables, data collection projects, and community building services that strengthen the reuse community.
We developed the Master Reuser Program, ReuseConex, the Bay Area Deconstruction Workgroup (BADWG), and spawned 11 State and Regional chapters that now independently serve their respective communities.
In 2021, we won the California Resource Recovery Association Pavitra Crimmel Reuse Award for our work on the Bay Area Deconstruction Workgroup.
In 2022, we supported our local Sonoma Community and Region. We:
Co-hosted 2 fixit clinics in Sonoma County
Hosted a Reuse Roundtable for Sonoma County
Fiscally sponsored a local social service group that serves low-income home care workers and farmworkers, their families and the families that they serve
Recirculated lumber, building materials, food and textiles into our local community through our partners
Organized 2 CalGreen subcommittee meetings to develop reuse language for this California Green Building Code
In 2023 we :
Led a Deconstruction, Reuse and C&D Workgroup for changes to CalGreen with complete recommendations due by August 2023
Led the Build Reuse Language Workgroup to develop definitions for deconstruction and reuse related terminology, as well as develop policy related positions for specific terms.
Begun publishing Reuse News monthly to share stories, opportunities and positive reuse news.
Increased the frequency and scope of the Reuse + Repair Fair and Reuse Roundtable programs.
Helped draft and pass the Sonoma County Construction Demolition & Deconstruction (CD&D) model ordinance and begun working with ZWS to ensure broad adoption and training.
Written numerous letter of support and comments on national reuse legislation, funding and definitions.
For more information on our plans for the future, visit Vision 8 page.
Board Advisors & Past Board Members
Elizabeth Sanchez — Student Services Coordinator at Pathways Charter School in Rohnert Park, CA
Jamie Facciola — Jamie is an award-winning entrepreneur social change leader and journalist focused on furniture reuse based in Oakland, CA.
Kyle Wiens — CEO of iFixit, the free repair manual.
Harriet Taub — Executive Director of Materials for the Arts, creative reuse centers in N.Y.C.
Patty Breslin — Patty is Executive Director at San Leandro 2050, with expertise in reuse business and data consulting based in San Leandro, CA.
Stefanie Feldman — Strategic Account Manager with Waste Management.
Director Emeritus: MaryEllen Etienne