Our vision ∞ A Strategic Plan
For the first time in many years, we believe our vision of a regenerative circular system is on the horizon. Our goal this year is to lay the ground work for a replicable model of reuse that will reset how our society thinks about, manufactures, transports and consumes products and packaging.
Download our 2025 Strategic Plan
The Reuse Hub will be a regional reuse facility located in Sonoma County with Anchor Reuse tenants that will scale reuse to meet large volume diversion goals, a permanent home for Reuse Alliance, and a Reuse Incubator for development of enterprises that specialize in niche or hard to reuse materials. This Reuse Hub will serve as a replicable model for other regions to expand and consolidate reuse operations in order to handle larger volumes of material. The Reuse Incubator will also support nonprofit reuse enterprises and organizations with reuse programs seeking fiscal sponsorship.
We are creating a local model of reuse designed to be replicable nationwide.
ReuseCorps is an innovative program that will ensure continuity in an industry with an aging workforce. This program will focus on recruiting and training individuals for varying levels of positions in the industry that are traditionally held by the aging workforce. Through on-the-job training, mentoring, and other specialized programs, ReuseCorps will ensure that new workers are prepared to take on increasingly more important roles and responsibilities, helping to bridge the gap between the retiring generation and a younger, more prepared workforce. Additionally, this program will provide the industry with a knowledgeable and experienced workforce that is ready to tackle the challenges of the future.
The Reuse Infrastructure Fund (RIF) will provide support to help develop new reuse enterprises and expand existing ones. This fund will provide grants and loans to help organizations improve existing reuse systems or create new ones. It will also help to finance capital improvements and provide technical assistance to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of reuse operations. The fund will also provide support for the training of staff and the development of new products. The goal of the fund is to increase reuse infrastructure to meet the demands of a Reuse Centered Regenerative Circular Economy. By investing in the reuse sector, the RIF will help create jobs, resilient local economies, and provide the support needed to maintain sustainable enterprises.
Reuse Alliance will develop a Reuse Incubator to spark new innovative reuse enterprises that increase materials diversion while at the same time helping entrepreneurs bring their dreams to fruition. The Incubator will leverage the equipment and space at our Reuse Hub to provide a low-cost start up environment to launch these endeavors, and our Reuse Infrastructure Fund will help catapult these incubated enterprises from a cottage industry to mainstream scale.
The Reuse Council will serve the Reuse Alliance by helping decide who should receive funding from the Reuse Infrastructure Fund and what reuse sectors require more support. The Reuse Council will provide the Alliance with insights on the needs of the reuse sector, as well as insight on the effectiveness of existing reuse programs. The Council will also provide the Alliance with recommendations to invest in, and develop new reuse infrastructures. Additionally, the Council will help to identify potential barriers to the success of reuse initiatives and how best to address them. The Reuse Council will act as a critical voice to ensure that all of the Alliance's investments are allocated in a way that best serves the reuse sector. The Reuse Council will be composed of representative a group of Reuse enterprises. Interested in being part of the Reuse Revolution? Click here.